13 305 - 13 305 руб.
In Stock
Tyre size: 295 / 40 R22
Season: Summer
Vehicle: Passenger

The new generation ATREZZO ZSR is engineered to deliver precise wet and dry handling performance. With an asymmetricla tread design and enhanced tread rubber formula, Atrezzo ZSR rises to the challenge and provides exceptional performance on the street and on the highway. Asymmetrical tread...

Tyre Size Weight Index Speed Index Run-Flat XL
295 / 40 R22 112 Y    
City Shop Phone numbers Price
Moscow Replica.su +7 (495) 268-0987 17455 RUR order
Moscow КитайШина +7 (495) 015 3210 19131 RUR order
Moscow ШинаСупер +7 495 144-76-49 19131 RUR order
Moscow SHINATUT +7(495)225-62-45 многоканальный
21040 RUR order
Moscow Need-Shina +7 (925) 508-64-47 19035 RUR order
Moscow R17.ru +7 (495) 505-63-94 18821 RUR order
Moscow Tiresmall.ru 8 (499) 579-90-79
8 (926) 175-84-78
18970 RUR order
295 / 40 R22 112 Y   XL
City Shop Phone numbers Price
Moscow Авташан.RU +7(495) 775-44-03 13305 RUR order
Moscow Need-Shina +7 (925) 508-64-47 19030 RUR order
Moscow ШинИнвесП +7 (495) 646-84-87
+7 (495) 997-31-15
18439 RUR order
Moscow SportShina 8-985-788-58-82 17900 RUR order
Moscow Самоходофф +7 (495) 646-06-73
+7 (800) 333-12-37
19930 RUR order
Moscow Самоходофф +7 (495) 646-06-73
+7 (800) 333-12-37
19930 RUR order
Moscow ДискоМаркет +7 (499) 638-26-16, 8 (800) 550-54-71 19930 RUR order
Moscow ДискоМаркет +7 (499) 638-26-16, 8 (800) 550-54-71 19930 RUR order
295 / 40 R22 40 R    
City Shop Phone numbers Price
Moscow VMauto.ru +7 (495) 768-5527 19324 RUR order

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