Tyres / Sailun / Ice Blazer Arctic Evo

Buy Sailun Ice Blazer Arctic Evo tyres 285/45 R21
winter tyres / non-studded / for cars

15 600 - 15 600 руб.
In Stock
Tyre size: 285 / 45 R21
Season: Winter
Stud: No
Vehicle: Passenger

The passenger-car friction tires Sailun Ice Blazer Arctic and Sailun Ice Blazer Arctic Evo, whose developers clearly proceeded from the Sailun WinterPro SW61 and Sailun WinterPro SW82 models, are designed for the mass market and more powerful cars respectively.

Tyre Size Weight Index Speed Index Run-Flat XL
285 / 45 R21 113 T    
City Shop Phone numbers Price
Moscow КитайШина +7 (495) 015 3210 16269 RUR order
Moscow ШинаСупер +7 495 144-76-49 16269 RUR order
Moscow SHINATUT +7(495)225-62-45 многоканальный
19840 RUR order
Moscow Авташан.RU +7(495) 775-44-03 15980 RUR order
Moscow Need-Shina +7 (925) 508-64-47 16345 RUR order
Moscow СитиТайр 8 [800] 707 22 75
8 [499] 707 22 75
17757 RUR order
Moscow R17.ru +7 (495) 505-63-94 16705 RUR order
Moscow Tiresmall.ru 8 (499) 579-90-79
8 (926) 175-84-78
15965 RUR order
Moscow «Мастер-шина» +7 495 488-66-85 15600 RUR order
Moscow «ОМ-Шина» +7 495 922-64-74 \r\n+7 926 922-11-18 15600 RUR order
Moscow Самоходофф +7 (495) 646-06-73
+7 (800) 333-12-37
17280 RUR order
Moscow ДискоМаркет +7 (499) 638-26-16, 8 (800) 550-54-71 17280 RUR order

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