Hankook Ventus S1 evo2 K117 Hankook
Ventus S1 evo2 K117
Price from 5 596 RUR
Offers: 245
+1 Noise +1 Control +1 Grip +1 Aquaplaning +1 Tyre problems
Ventus S1 evo2 The best balance between wet and dry performance. The Ventus S1 evo2 is a premium performance tire that provides precise, controlled cornering at high-speeds and environmentally friendly performance through minimized rolling resistance and optimal profile implementation.
Dunlop SP Sport Maxx TT Dunlop
SP Sport Maxx TT
Price from 7 225 RUR
Offers: 5
-1 Noise -1 Control -1 Grip -1 Aquaplaning -1 Tyre problems
SP SPORTMAXX TT Precision handling, powered by DuPont™ Kevlar®. For high performance sports cars. Driving precision with DuPont™ Kevlar® Superb handling and cornering Excellent grip and braking

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 |  Peugeot 308  |  225 / 45 R17  | 
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