Functional characteristics: Precise control at high speeds: increased directional stability is guaranteed by a highly directional tread pattern and powerful low-moving elements. Reliable resistance to aquaplaning: unhindered drainage of water from the contact patch is ensured by wide longitudinal and transverse grooves with smooth walls. Acoustic comfort: the tread pattern, made with a calculated alternation of dimensional steps, ensures that elements elongated along the movement alternately come into contact, which reduces noise, increases the smoothness of the ride and increases comfort when driving the vehicle.
Prices and available at stores / Moscow
At the moment we have no information about where you can buy this model of tire in this city.
If your store sell tyres and you want to place your pricelist on our site, please read inforamtion in the relevant section.
Единственное не знаю сколько она отходит, но радует то, что если нужно будет заменить одну покрышку, проблем с покупкой не будет.